Scoil Mhuire Cork
~Nurturing for Life~

Scoil Ṁuire, 1 Sidney Place, Wellington Road, Cork City T23 PF76 Tel: 021 4501844 E-mail:


“Where words fail, music speaks”

~Hans Christian Anderson

Music, from earliest times, has been an important expression of human creativity. Today it is a valued social and cultural art form that serves many functions:

• Music is a worthwhile accomplishment for its own sake – an education for life.
• Socially shared musical activities help develop personality skills and co-operative effort
• Music education engages actively and imaginatively the affective, cognitive and psychomotor aspects of human development

Music is a choice subject at both Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. The Music Department also has a large audition-based school choir and a wonderful orchestra who together are the centrepiece of the renowned Scoil Mhuire Carol Service.

Past highlights of the Music Department include our successful Musical Shows which took place in The Firkin Crane Theatre and The Everyman Theatre.