
Italian has been part of the curriculum of S.M.C. since its foundation in 1951 and together with German and French, is one of three MFLs (Modern Foreign Languages) on offer to our students. Italian is the language of art, history, culture, music, design and cuisine and engagement with it, is a rewarding and enriching experience.

In S.M.C. we see language study as integral to the cultural, communicative and academic development of our students. At its most basic level, even the learning of a salutation – Buongiorno! Guten Tag! Bonjour! opens the door to hundreds of thousands of new people, new countries and new cultures. The power of language can never be underestimated and so we encourage all of our students to engage with the excitement of language learning. There are no exemptions for the study of foreign language in Junior Cycle. All students regardless of ability, are encouraged and expected to attend MFL classes up to the end of Third Year.

Following introductory sample classes in First Year, students will choose their MFL. Students who choose to study Italian do so perhaps because they find it attractive to the ear with its musicality and energy or its sense of fun with its many hand gestures and dramatic intonation. Whatever language a student chooses, this will be the language which they will take for three years of Junior Cycle and
onwards to Leaving Certificate. In total, students will study their chosen MFL for six years, except in the case of at the commencement of Senior Cycle where a student may have an exemption.

The MFL department, (Italian, German, French), works as a unit. All MFLs focus on the three strands of communicative competence, language awareness and socio-intercultural awareness. All languages follow the same protocols in relation to house exam structure, timings and content for CBA (Classroom Based Assessment) Junior Cycle Examination and Leaving Certificate Examination.

Choosing to study Italian, as with any language, is a challenging but ultimately very rewarding experience. Taught in a positive, active and learner-driven environment, Italian will remain with and serve the learner long after school days have passed. Forza…Avanti!